This recognition of the value of faith and true religion is beautiful for society. It is also beautiful that God’s name is explicitly mentioned. But above all, it is beautiful that the queen recognizes that God’s love for Israel is behind all this. In Israel’s religion, it is not about obligations and rules, like a religious system. This God is not a god like all the others; he is a God who loves.
Here, an image of God’s people is displayed that makes anyone who reads the Bible long for the same. How beautiful when it is said of God’s people that they are very blessed. How good it is to hear that everything checks out with the people of God—that it is a feast to serve this God and the king whom he has set before us, and that maintaining justice and righteousness is not at the cost of love but comes forth from it. This is a standard forever and wherever.
8 Happy are your men! Happy are your servants, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom!