1. Leviticus 1:1–17 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The connection of the book of Leviticus to what came before

Leviticus 1:1–17 (ESV)

1 The LORD called Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting, saying,

The book of Leviticus begins with the words, “And the Lord summoned Moses.” The conjunction “and” indicates that the opening of Leviticus is closely connected with the book that came before, namely, Exodus. The book of Exodus ends with the completion of the tabernacle and the anointing of the various instruments used in worship (Exodus 40:1–33). Once the tabernacle had been dedicated, a cloud covered the tent of meeting (Exodus 40:34). On this occasion, Moses could not enter the tabernacle because it had been filled with the glory of the Lord. The book of Leviticus continues from this point by detailing how worship should be conducted in the tabernacle, the place where a holy God meets with his people. These laws form a part of the historical narrative of the Lord’s people.