The word translated “command” usually refers to what God requires men to do in obedience to God. In this case, however, the word refers to what God will do to the priests because of their disobedience. It refers to God’s sovereign act of judgment upon the priests. While God commands blessings for his obedient people (Leviticus 25:21), God also commands disaster to fall upon his disobedient people (see Leviticus 25:21, where God commands the Babylonians to return to attack Jerusalem; Jeremiah 34:22, Amos 9:9 where God commands the serpent to bite his people, and the sword to kill them, and for the house of Israel to be shaken and sifted). In our text, the prophet warns the priests of the disaster that God will command to fall upon them.
1 “And now, O priests, this command is for you.