1. Habakkuk 1:6–11 (ESV)
  2. Application

Your own heart is your God

Habakkuk 1:6–11 (ESV)

6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize dwellings not their own.

Do not think that this human arrogance is a Babylonian disease. Every man and woman has a Babylon in his or her own heart. Perhaps nicer, but still the same. I think I told you about the interviews in Robert Bellow’s book, Habits of the Heart, in which he interviewed various folks. There was this one woman whose name was Sheila, who described the way she functions. She said, I believe in God; I don't remember when I was in church last, but my faith has taken me through a lot; it’s Sheila-ism, just my own little voice. That is her faith. Now, it sounds religious and it is religious, but it it is not true faith. You see what it is? It is Babylonian, that is what it is, Sheila-ism—just my own little voice. What does she mean? My law and my status compromised? [No,] I determine what I do and what pleases me...I may give allegiance to the Scriptures and the Bible if it suits me. But when push comes to shove, what I do and the way I take, what I determine will be done by what my little voice says. It is just Babylon all over again. And you will have that human arrogance unchecked and untamed within you, unless the Lord Jesus Christ has tamed it and drawn its sting. The sovereignty of God and human arrogance. Do not think Babylon has the corner on arrogance.1

Ralph Davis