1. Acts 8:39 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What else do we know about what happens with this Ethiopian Christian?

Acts 8:39 (ESV)

39 And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.

He continues on his way. How different was this journey now to when he came. He now brings along another treasure, the treasure of the kingdom of God! Jesus goes along with him to the midland of Africa! According to the church father Irenaeus (see the note on Acts 8:37) the Ethiopian became the first missionary in Ethiopia. He was also the church planter of one of the oldest Christian churches on the African continent. He, who was called baren (a eunuch, a dry tree, Isaiah 56:3) becomes the spiritual father of all the Ethiopian Christians!

The Ethiopian will also have read further on in Isaiah 56:1–8, where it talks about the foreigner and the eunuch who are both given access to the people of God! Through his adult baptism he is consciously taken into the family of God, which now expands and radiates throughout the whole world. Where the old temple was forbidden (ground) for him, there is an open door to the new church in Christ, where he is a full and equal member, and as follower of Jesus may share in the atonement provided. In Jesus’ name, the biggest obstacle between God and the people has been removed (namely the rift due to sin) but subsequently all other obstacles as well: an open entry to his church. The gospel of Christ breaks through borders and obstacles!