1. 2 Kings 14:2 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on 2 Kings 14:2 (Summary)

2 Kings 14:2 (ESV)

2 He was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jehoaddin of Jerusalem.

Here is a little more information about the mother of Amaziah, Jehoaddin. From 2 Chronicles 24:3 it becomes clear that the pious high priest Jehoiada chose two wives for King Joash. You may see Jehoiada as a mentor for King Joash, the father of Amaziah. Of course, Jehoiada considered these two women’s life of faith when he chose them. It is likely that one of these two women was Jehoaddin, the mother of Amaziah. Her name means “Lord, how long yet?” She is born under a reign that wanted nothing to do with the Lord and his service, and with that name the father expressed his desire for better times ahead. As mother, this woman will have given her son Amaziah a God-fearing upbringing. The story here in 2 Kings 14 and certainly the storyline in 2 Chronicles 25:1–28 give the impression that Amaziah cared less and less about the Lord during his reign. It seems to be then that the mother Jehoaddin, when she was still alive during the first years of her son’s reign, had a positive and blessed influence on her son. Thus, she contributed by helping this offspring of David to stay on the right path. It says something about the meaning of parents, also regarding their mature children: point them, if possible, to walk in the way of David’s great Son, Jesus Christ.