1. Habakkuk 1:13 (ESV)
  2. Application

The Bible realistic about the problems of life

Habakkuk 1:13 (ESV)

13 You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he?

How can God use the wicked Babylonians to chasten and correct his people, when everybody knows that the Babylonians are even worse than the Israelites—even more depraved, more deserving of God’s wrath and judgment than the Israelite people themselves. How can God then make use of that instrument? Well, this is something you find all the way through the Bible: the honest expression and accurate formulation of the problems of faith. The Bible deals with reality, and puts things clearly!...Month after month, sometimes year after year, that dear saint of God lingers in a painful existence, and you wonder why. That is exactly what Job asked. No shirking the difficult questions. No pretending that everything is sweet and rosy when it is not. Not in the Bible. You do not find that in the Bible. The Bible is realistic about the problems of life.1

G. I. Williamson