Ezra 9:6–15 (ESV)

6 saying:“O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift my face to you, my God, for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens.

Have you ever argued for the greatness of your sin? Have you ever argued to God and said, God, you are righteous and holy, and I am a sinner and my sin is great before you? How great is it? Jesus had to come and die in order to save me from it. His blood was shed. The infinite eternal Son of God became man and dwelled among us and laid down his life. That precious, precious Son of God. How great my sin is! And so, we do confess our guilt. We acknowledge the punishment. Not only for ourselves, for others as well…

Arguing for the greatness of sin is understanding how awful your sin is. Again, one of the things that help to remind myself on that, is that it is not only breaking the law, but offending a person; it is attempting to slap the face of our almighty God. It is an offence, a personal offence.1

Michael Voytek