They put the altar in its place—the place it was supposed to be according to the NESV—because they are frightened.With good cause, [which is clear in] Ezra and Nehemiah, because they will be attacked over and over again. And so they established that altar because they want God's protection. They want his provision; they want his presence. And remember the altar, that temple within which the altar is set, is that place where God dwells. They want his presence and with his presence his protection and provision over against the attacks of the people of the land of whom they are terrified. In other words, again we see something very important and very admirable, which is that this first wave of exiles returning to the land understand their dependence upon God; their need of his protection; their vulnerability; their weakness.Of course, it is a critical thing that we understand as Christians. That is why the apostle Paul says,
Terry L. Johnsonlet the man who thinks he stands take heat lest he falls(1 Corinthians 10:12). You think you stand, but you better beware lest you are about to fall. If you think you stand, if you are so self-confident, if you have so much pride in self and self-sufficiency and self-righteousness that you think you are able to stand, beware, you are about to have your legs knocked out from under you because you cannot stand on your own. It is only by the grace of God that we stand. This seems to be understood. And so they are eager to build this altar and the temple that houses the altar, because they are frightened and they understand their need of God. He is their refuge and strength. He is their ever-present help in trouble.1
3 They set the altar in its place, for fear was on them because of the peoples of the lands, and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, burnt offerings morning and evening.