1. Acts 2:3 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why did the Holy Spirit only come in fulness at this point in history?

Acts 2:3 (ESV)

3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them.

A question to ask as we reflect on the coming of the Holy Spirit is why it did not happen sooner. Why was he sent on the Pentecost after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension and not before?

In answer we should recall what John the Baptist said in Luke 3:16–17. He said that when Jesus comes, he will baptize with the Spirit and fire, an unquenchable fire that will burn the chaff (see Psalm 1:4–6). The fires of judgment are in view. And yet when the Spirit came upon the apostles there was no judgment. The fire that they saw was not a fire that destroys but one that cleanses, equips, and purifies. The death that sinners deserve is not realized.

If God’s people are to enjoy his presence without being destroyed by his holiness, then their sins must first be done away with. Forgiveness and cleansing are needed if the Spirit is to be a gift and blessing to us. That is why he is sent only after Jesus’ work on earth was finished. There would be no redemption to apply if Christ did not first suffer and die.