1. Psalm 52:8–9 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Psalm 52:8–9 (Summary)

Psalm 52:8–9 (ESV)

8 But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.

The olive tree has lush dark green foliage and is a symbol of prosperity. It is a slow grower, but very hardy, for it continuously sends up new shoots from the roots (see also Psalm 128:1–6). David comparing himself to this symbol of prosperity, strength, and durability at this point in his life seems a bit ridiculous and unrealistic. But David knew that human power meant nothing and counted only on the omnipotence and fidelity of God. Because of his trust in God, David speaks of his deliverance as though it had already taken place (because you have done it). Thanks to David’s teaching, we can also develop the perception needed to see God’s promises in the context of our present experiences. We must entrust ourselves to his name, patiently waiting with our eyes focused on him.