You are saved with a common salvation. Desire the profit, the growth, the happiness of all who partake of this one salvation. You are in one ship—seek the good of all who sail with you. You are enlisted in one army—pray the Captain of salvation to make every soldier strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. The common salvation should excite us to seek the prosperity of every part of Zion—we would seek the good, not of our tabernacle, alone, but of every tabernacle or temple where Christians meet to worship the Most High.
When the gospel is assailed, we must all rise in its defence, for it is the common salvation which is involved in it…Community of interest begets community of feeling…so, in this case, when the gospel of Jesus Christ is assailed, it does not matter by whom; I feel I may call upon all Christians to take action for the common salvation. Brothers, awaken to the fight, for more than our hearths and homes are now attacked. Do they deny the deity of Christ? It is not only my religion that is assailed, it is yours as well. Do they turn the grace of God into lasciviousness? It is not this branch of the church that is now endangered; the entire church is placed in jeopardy. This gospel is not my heritage or yours, it is the common domain of all the faithful and I beseech you feel it to be so. In your own spheres and in your own ways hold the truth of God, and hold it firmly.1
Charles H. Spurgeon
3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.