1. Psalm 9:7–10 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Psalm 9:7–10 (Summary)

Psalm 9:7–10 (ESV)

7 But the LORD sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for justice,

The Lord sits forever on the throne as King. He is the One who, as Judge, judges righteously. This often gives a reason to rejoice, as in Psalm 96:11–13. We find a similar confession in Psalm 7:9. This also means that the Lord is a stronghold for those who are weak (similar as in Psalm 46:1, Psalm 46:7, Psalm 59:17).

Whoever knows the Lord knows and trust him. All God’s deeds in the past create trust: the covenant made with Abraham, the time in Egypt, being saved from slavery, the journey through the wilderness, the gift of Canaan, etc.

The Lord remains true to those who seek him. Psalm 27:8–9 reads, You have said, Seek my face. My heart says to you, ‘Your face, Lord, do I seek…forsake me not, O God of my salvation! It is possible to think on an even deeper level when we think of Psalm 22:1–31. There, David relates that he has been forsaken by God. Later, the Psalm transitions into a shout for joy as he is rescued by God.

When we consider the fulfillment, accomplished by our Saviour on the cross (My God, my God, why have thou forsaken me), then we see the gospel: in Jesus, God will never forsake us.

With your name we may also think of the Triune God, in which Christians are baptized. This means great protection (the Father), a life lived out of grace (the Son), and a gift of guidance in our lives (the Holy Spirit).