Psalm 17:6–7 (ESV)

6 I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words.

Psalm 17:6 connects with the plea in Psalm 17:1. The author calls to God and counts on an answer. He knows God as the One who does not ignore the one who prays. Twice he calls upon God. He asks for an attentive God, so that God will protect him from his adversaries (see Psalm 17:7).

When the Lord watches his people, he will also act. That is what David asks for. Show the enduring faithfulness which has also been shown in your miracles. The Lord does not let his people fall. He does not surrender them to injustice. Throughout all the ages, God has proven to be faithful through the many miracles: plagues in Egypt, passing through the Red Sea and the Jordan, and during the time in the wilderness. His trustworthiness is also clear in his patience in the ages that followed during the time of the judges and the kings, including David now. With his mighty hand, God rescues those who take refuge in him from their adversaries. You are safe with God. He is both faithful and powerful. Taking refuge with the Lord is great; see also the closing words of Psalm 2:12: Blessed are all who take refuge in him.