1. 1 Samuel 1:21–2:10 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for 1 Samuel 1:21–2:10

1 Samuel 1:21–2:10 (ESV)

21 The man Elkanah and all his house went up to offer to the LORD the yearly sacrifice and to pay his vow.

It is recommended that you read from Numbers 30:10–15 and Judges 8:21–22 together with your reading from 1 Samuel 1:21–2:10.

  • Introduction

    Context: briefly recap the events that take place in 1 Samuel 1:1–20, that is, the reason for Hannah’s infertility and the national scope of her vow.

  • Thanksgiving and vows

    • Explain: what might stop Elkanah from honouring Hannah’s vow?

    • Explain: what might stop Hannah from honouring her vow?

    • Explain: how can Hannah be so joyful when she gives Samuel into the care of another family? What does she believe about who God is?

  • A king who will bring reversal

    • Explain: what is the meaning of the reversals in Hannah’s prayer? What does Hannah expect the Lord to accomplish through her son Samuel?

    • Explain: who is the king in view? What will he accomplish?

    • Explain: what are the key differences between David and Jesus? Why is Jesus a better king? When will Jesus bring about the great reversal?

  • Christian pilgrims must love the truth

    • Explain: how do we respond to Christ’s salvation whilst we wait for his return?

    • Explain/Apply: where do we have vows in our society today? Why should we make it our priority to speak the truth and keep our commitments (to do what we say we will do)?