1. 1 Samuel 14:47–52 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why is there a summary of Saul’s kingship before his reign has come to an end?

1 Samuel 14:47–52 (ESV)

47 When Saul had taken the kingship over Israel, he fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, against the Ammonites, against Edom, against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines. Wherever he turned he routed them.

Normally summaries are given at the beginning or end of someone’s reign; here it is given in the middle. We find a summary at the end of 1 Samuel 14 because the focus in chapters 15 and onward will be on David rather than Saul. Saul’s time as king has not come to an end. He will continue to rule for a few more years. But during that time and for the remainder of the book, he moves from centre stage to serving as a foil to David.