What does 1 Samuel 2:11–36 reveal about who God the Father is?
God is concerned for right worship. He is not pleased when his offerings are treated with contempt.
God reveals his plans and purposes; he speaks/communicates. Through the laws of the old covenant, God gave clear directions to his people. Through the prophet, God speaks to Eli.
God is the author of life. He can give Hannah children.
God is generous in his provision. Under the terms of the old covenant, the priests would be well provided for.
God is sovereign. It was his will to put Hophni and Phinehas to death. He can say what will happen in the future before it does.
God is concerned for justice and goodness. He will not allow Eli’s sons to continue with their sin forever.
11 Then Elkanah went home to Ramah. And the boy was ministering to the LORD in the presence of Eli the priest.