Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now it will become clear whether the devil did speak the truth. The first two people now start to see something that until that moment had never struck them as negative. When their eyes are opened, it will be too late. That is the moment it is immediately clear that the devil has lied to them. They did not become like God. And they see that they are naked. They also saw each other’s naked bodies before the fall. Before, it was nothing special in their eyes. But now, seeing each other’s nakedness, a feeling arises in them that they have not experienced until now. They are ashamed of themselves in front of the other. The cause is that they no longer fully trust each other. Exposing yourself in front of the other has therefore become a threat. Their rebellion against God has seriously damaged their mutual love and trust. Man has become a sinful human being.
Our first ancestors then sought something with which to cover their shame. They take fig leaves and sew these together to ensure that they no longer walk around naked. Fig leaves are among the largest leaves there are. That is probably why Adam and his wife used these leaves.
7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.