1. James 1:1 (ESV)
  2. Application

Our measure in life

James 1:1 (ESV)

1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion:Greetings.

Notice, in the mind of James and all the apostles, that beautiful element of humility that runs through them—the fact that he is very content. He describes himself as the servant, while you might think, this guy has quite a resume: he is the blood brother of the Lord Jesus Christ; he is the apostle who in fact, has been recognized as one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church; the moderator of that church, significant in its actions. But he tends to lay all that to the sides, because he revels in the fact that it is his privilege to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ…And that is how you must think of yourself. Your worth is not found in how smart you are, your GPA, your future, your calling, your usefulness. Your worth is measured by how you relate to the Lord Jesus Christ.1

Joseph A. Pipa