1. James 1:14–15 (ESV)
  2. Application

Desires in the Christian

James 1:14–15 (ESV)

14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

The lusts that reside within us are not weak things. We know that, right? They are powerful and they often are stirred up within us with a ferocity of a roaring lion. They move us with an awful, powerful intensity, and they move us away from a course of obedience and love, in the opposite direction, to sin. But they are not just a force, they are also an allurement. So we are moved by our lust and we are enticed by our lust. And this is the bait on the hook because our lusts are seeking pleasurable satisfaction. Whether it is the pleasurable satisfaction of getting yourself out of an uncomfortable situation, or whether it is the pleasurable satisfaction of indulging your pleasures, our lust sets before our mind's eye, that our true course of happiness is here in this pursuit actually contrary to the law of God. And so, all sin begins in the heart with the acting of lust.1

Joseph A. Pipa