1. Judges 13:1–25 (ESV)
  2. Christocentric focus

Christ as devoted to his calling

Judges 13:1–25 (ESV)

1 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD gave them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years.

But Christ was also different from Samson. Christ lived his whole life under the influence of the Spirit. That’s what made him the true embodiment of a Nazirite. He was not a Nazirite himself. He drank wine, he touched dead bodies. But he showed the deeper meaning of the Nazirite vow. And that is: he said, My body, your possession. He set aside earthly joys in order to fully experience for a time the restrictions, the discomfort, the sorrow of this life that are the result of sin. And he entered the worst of restrictions, the realm of death itself, out of devotion to his God. Christ, the infinitely strong and holy one, became weak and shouldered our sin, dying for us. He did not begin to save us. He saved us completely. He really is the ultimate Judge and Deliverer. He was everything that Samson, and Israel, were called to be but failed to be. And he rose triumphant—wonder of wonders—defeating death and sin forever.

This is God’s amazing grace in the most wonderful, unimaginable way. This is your Lord whose name is truly wonderful, incomprehensible, beyond understanding. Does this excite you? Does it push you to see and embrace the label God has given you, My body, your possession? Beloved, today, a life of purity and devotion to God is not marked by a particular diet or certain hairstyle, but by a self-sacrificial and intimate fellowship with God!