1. Judges 13:24 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is the meaning of “Samson”?

Judges 13:24 (ESV)

24 And the woman bore a son and called his name Samson. And the young man grew, and the LORD blessed him.

The name Samson consists of the Hebrew word for sun (shemesh), with the diminutive ending (-on); hence, Shimshon, little sun. It is possible that his mother gave it to reflect the promise that Samson would begin to save his people: he brings a little sunshine, the first rays of the dawn. But this is hardly a name you would have expected after a double appearance of the Lord to his mother! You would rather expect a name starting or ending with the divine name. Like Joshua, the Lord will save; or Micah, who is like the Lord?1 In fact, the name Samson sounds somewhat pagan. The sun is a Canaanite god. And very close to Zorah is the town of Beth-Shemesh, The House of the Rising Sun, where there was sun worship.2