Philippians 2:25 (ESV)

25 I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need,

As Timothy cannot come to Philippi yet, Paul can still send Epaphroditus. The name Epaphroditus is sometimes shortened to Epaphras. Yet, the Epaphras from Colossians 1:7 and Philemon 1:23 is another person. That person came from Colossae. This Epaphroditus comes from Philippi. The congregation sent him to Paul to assist Paul, among others by taking along gifts (and perhaps money) they gave along for Paul. Paul mentions this in Philippians 4:18: I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent.

More extensively, Paul relates in Philippians 2:25–30 why he now sends Epaphroditus back to them. The extensive accountability creates the impression that Paul is not sure if the Philippians are pleased with this decision. Perhaps the Philippians found Epaphroditus weak for not continuing to support Paul any longer. Paul first lets them know that his decision is firm (I have thought it necessary).

Subsequently he mentions how highly he regards Epaphroditus. First, he says what Epaphroditus means to him. He uses three words: Epaphroditus is his brother, his fellow worker, and his fellow soldier. Paul uses the word fellow worker more often for people who work in service of the gospel, as he does in 1 Thessalonians 3:2 and Philemon 1:24. The word fellow worker emphasizes the difficult circumstances.

Then, Paul gives two indications of the bond that Epaphroditus has with the Philippians. He is your (emphasized up front) messenger and minister to my need. For messenger Paul uses the word apostle with its general meaning: ambassador. For minister Paul uses a word that connects with liturgy, and this term also has a broad meaning. It ties in with the spiritual position of Epaphroditus. Perhaps Epaphroditus has an important task within the congregation. His work has a place in the worship service of the faith (compare with Philippians 2:17).