1. Mark 7:34 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

How should we understand Jesus’ use of the word “Ephphatha” meaning be opened?

Mark 7:34 (ESV)

34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”

Scholars are uncertain whether “Ephphatha” is Hebrew or Aramaic, though most say it is probably Aramaic.1 This was not a special or secret incantation that had magical power, because Mark provided his readers with the meaning of the word: be opened. He clearly wanted his Roman readers to understand what the word meant.

Some suggest that the use of a Hebrew or Aramaic word means that the miracle must have taken place in a Jewish community instead of a Gentile Greek community.2 This argument does not hold water, because the only people who witnessed the account were the disciples who could understand Hebrew and Aramaic and the deaf man who would have been unable to hear what Jesus said at that point, regardless of the language spoken. Aramaic was also widely spoken outside Jewish circles in those days.3