1. Joshua 8:1–35 (ESV)
  2. Application

The need for regular covenant renewal

Joshua 8:1–35 (ESV)

1 And the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear and do not be dismayed. Take all the fighting men with you, and arise, go up to Ai. See, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, and his people, his city, and his land.

Given the place of worship services in the life of the church (covenant renewal in order to keep us persevering in our faith), it makes sense that we should commit ourselves to gathering with God’s people for worship.

For the people of Israel, the gathering for worship and covenant renewal at Mount Ebal and Gerizim was a big commitment. In the first place, it required a thirty-two kilometre journey on foot, through mountainous terrain and enemy territory. The people coming from Gilgal had to travel even further. It was not an easy journey and it was not without expense or inconvenience. What’s more, in gathering for worship they came together with young and old. The children joined them on the journey. As hard as it may have been for mothers and fathers to bring them along, they were there with the people (Joshua 8:35). Most likely there were babies crying and children wriggling around while Joshua read the law of Moses. And along with children, they also had to gather with foreigners. It’s not just the people who look like them, not just the physical descendants of Abraham, but Rahab and her family as well as some people from Egypt who joined them in the exodus who are gathering with them..

In this way, life in the new covenant community (New Testament church) is no different. It requires a commitment to gathering with God’s people. Sometimes we might feel as if meeting together for public worship is an unnecessary detour on our busy schedules; it’s much more convenient to stay at home or listen to sermons on the radio. But we must be careful that we do not make a habit of neglecting to meet with God’s people for worship. That seems to be a big danger that the writer of Hebrews identifies in Hebrews 10:23–25. Neglecting to meet together can quickly become habitual. And similarly, when we do gather, we should expect to be with people who are different from us. The Lord is the one who has gathered us together and it delights him to include people in his church from lots of different languages, cultures, and backgrounds. Finally, no matter what our society, culture, or political leaders might say, young and old are always welcome in God’s church.