1. Matthew 10:7 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is significant about the gospel having to be “proclaimed”?

Matthew 10:7 (ESV)

7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’

Indeed, a unique word is used for bringing the message of the gospel. The gospel does not go out into the world as an optional message—without obligations. It is announced in the same way a herald (a messenger of a king) delivers his message; or the way it sounds when a fire breaks out somewhere. You cannot react on this message with the words, I am going to think about that some more. You need to act immediately. You do not argue with a herald. You follow up on his message immediately. If there is a fire, action cannot be postponed. That would be life-threatening. This is how the message of the gospel is brought. You may ask deeper questions upon hearing it. It is fine to seek to understand more of it, but then with an attitude of believing, accepting, and taking it seriously. You can think here of Zechariah in contrast to Mary (Luke 1:18, Luke 1:34).