Christ points out what he had to endure during his time on earth as man. They called him Beelzebul (that is, chief devil
)—the strongest term of abuse. If they had already abused Christ like that, the person who towers endlessly above his disciples, the most loving, wise, and powerful person in existence, then you can count on it that, as a disciple of Christ, you will also be abused and insulted, persecuted in all sorts of ways. When this happens, then consider how Christ suffered. Doing that will make you feel honoured that you, too, may suffer for the sake of Christ’s gospel. That will give you a new sense of belonging to your Saviour.
Nor is it strange that you have to deal with this kind of opposition and suffering. Today there is much anger toward cruel dictators in this world. If you openly declare that you revere a person that is sovereign and call on everyone to follow and obey such a person, then all the hate and abuse of this person will be heaped upon you!
24 “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.