Matthew 10:29–30 (ESV)

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.

The eternal Father already cares for you intensely, even now. Your ups and downs concern him. Christ calls him your Father here. He is that to you and wants to be that to you. Christ uses the example of the most insignificant little birds of his day. They are not even sold individually. And when you look in the mirror, can you count how many hairs you have on your head? Your heavenly father has counted them. That is how intense his care and love are for you. Surrender yourself to that sure knowledge—even in the greatest danger into which you can fall as a Christian for the sake of your faith. The Father cares and does not forget you for one moment—also when you are caught (like sparrows). He sees you in your distress, and he is with you. When you have to suffer, it is because your heavenly Father did not want to prevent it. That may come across as harsh, a hard truth. But it helps when you say to yourself, Father, you chose not to stop this. You have your good intentions with this, and I wish to surrender to you. I am in your hands... Take the fate of persecution upon you and thus render the enemy powerless.