1. Psalm 40:1 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Psalm 40:1 (Summary)

Psalm 40:1 (ESV)

1 I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry.

Many psalms begin with a call to God for help, and end with thankfulness for being saved.

Here it is different. In Psalm 40:1–3 the author speaks about God’s actions in answer to his desires:

Full of longing I waited for you. This translation accentuates the long time, and the fervent prayer. It can also indicate the intensity of the longing.

The sentence, the Lord inclined to me, can also be translated: he turned his ear toward me. We see in this a father, who listens with full attention to his child in need, or a doctor who listens to a sick patient. And the faithful covenant God has heard my prayer.

God’s covenant faithfulness is being sung about in Psalm 40:5 and Psalm 40:10. Many texts in the Psalms speak about similar prayers and manners of being saved, as, for example, Psalm 17:6 I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words.