The unity of God's law reminds us of how we are to use the law of God in our evangelism, because we are going to come across people who do not think of themselves as that bad. They will say of themselves,
Joseph A. PipaI have not done this and not done that.We can bring the law of God specifically into one area of their life and apply it there, and by doing that show them that they are guilty of all; that they are transgressors. It also shows us the foolishness of thinking that we can bargain with God, as long as my good deeds outweigh my bad deeds. Well, this text clearly disabuses us of that notion, doesn't it? If you have got all these good deeds and you break the law of God at one point, you are guilty. This shows us there is only one way to be right with God. It is not through the works of the law. It is not through self-justification. It is not through the church or the sacraments. It is through the Lord Jesus Christ; with our sins being pardoned for his sake and our being declared legally righteous in God's sight because of our union with the Lord Jesus Christ.1
10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.