Proverbs 13:2 (ESV)

2 From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence.

The words that come out of a man’s mouth will reveal the state of his heart. The words that he speaks is described as the fruit of his mouth. A wise man will speak words that are wholesome because of eating what is good. The word, eat does not mean to digest food but rather to gain wisdom through hearing and listening to a father’s instructions as indicated in Proverbs 13:1. The son who pays attention to good words that are spoken will in turn be careful with his use of his words so that what he says is good. However, a man without godly wisdom who is treacherous at heart will speak words that encourage violence. His desire is not to speak words that are good therefore the fruit of his mouth will be words of dishonesty, deception and violence.