1. Job 19:25 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Job 19:25 (Summary)

Job 19:25 (ESV)

25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.

But this hope (Job 19:23–24) soon passes from Job’s mind. Why would the coming generation listen to his words, if the current generation refuses to? And Job instantly realizes that he does not need to rely on people, whether they belong to this generation or the next. For God is his Redeemer, and God lives now and forever.

A redeemer (Hebrew, go'el) is someone who defends the rights of an innocent victim. God is the Redeemer who will stand up for Job, as a judge or a witness stands up when he addresses the court. Yes, God has been silent up to now. But Job trusts that God will give him justice, not only in heaven, but also here on earth, where he has been falsely accused.