1 Kings 7:40–44 (ESV)

40 Hiram also made the pots, the shovels, and the basins. So Hiram finished all the work that he did for King Solomon on the house of the LORD:

1 Kings 7:40–44 gives us something of the summary of all of Hiram’s work in bronze. In addition to the bronze pillars, the bronze sea, and the bronze stands with their basins, Hiram also made bronze utensils for use in the service of temple worship. These were pots, shovels, and basins (not to be confused with the basins already mentioned previously). Then the writer directs the report back to the two free-standing pillars, and speaks of the particular work that appeared on the capital of each. This artistry consisted of latticework with rows of pomegranates. The language is again rather difficult and seems somewhat repetitive. This summary of the bronze work concludes with the mention of the stands, basins, sea, and the twelve oxen upon whose back it rested.