If the Jewish Christians can get Christian believers from a Gentile background to be circumcised, then they can remain in favour with the Jewish community at large. 1 Presumably, most of the persecution against Christians at this point in time came from non-Christian Jews (see Acts 4:1–8:3). 2 They were upset to find Jews eating and worshipping together with uncircumcised Gentiles. 3 By emphasising circumcision, the Judaizers assigned salvation to human obedience rather than the work of Jesus Christ. In this way they abolished the offence of the cross and they avoided persecution (Galatians 5:11). Thus, their aim was not to keep God’s law but to avoid suffering. 4
12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.