1. Mark 10:41 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

How does the other ten disciples react to the request of James and John?

Mark 10:41 (ESV)

41 And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John.

In this verse we read that the ten (disciples) have become aware of what James and John had asked and the verse shows us that they were irritated by them. Therewith they betray themselves and show their true colours. Humility always regrets and is saddened by the sins of others, but pride gets annoyed by sin. The other disciples appear to be cast in the same mould as James and John.

Jesus had not initially rebuked the sons of Zebedee but this later happens in Mark 10:41–45. The annoyance of the other ten disciples finds its origin precisely in the fact that Jesus himself has not given the two a sharp reprimand: what Jesus, as it seems, overlooked is now taken up by the ten.1