Reflect on some of the reasons why Paul gives us another argument from Scripture to support the doctrine of justification by faith. Go on to explain and give a brief summary of God’s promises to and dealings with Abraham.
Two covenants
Explain: why did Abraham have relations with Hagar? What was the result?
Explain: how did Abraham patiently wait for Isaac?
Explain: what does Paul want to show us from the story of Abraham, Hagar, Sarah, Ishmael, and Isaac?
Explain: in terms of relating to God, what do Ishmael and Hagar represent?
Explain: in terms of relating to God, what do Isaac and Sarah represent?
Explain: why does Paul quote from Isaiah 54:1–17? What does the prophecy demonstrate about the church?
Explain: how is the fulfillment of the Isaiah prophecy based on the work of Jesus Christ, the Messiah?
Allegory, quotations, and the work of the Spirit
Explain: is allegory an appropriate way of interpreting Scripture? What is the basis for Paul’s interpretation of the events in Genesis (Isaiah 51:1–3)?
Explain: what is the purpose of Paul’s quote from Genesis 21:10?
Explain/Apply: what was one of the ways by which the Judaizers sought to win a hearing for their teaching?
Explain/Apply: why is the law so attractive? Can the law make us godly?
Explain/Apply: how is growth in godliness a work of the Holy Spirit?
Explain/Apply: what are the means by which God the Holy Spirit works to nourish and strengthen the faith of believers?
Concluding prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you that your Spirit has united us to your Son and given us new life. Thank you for adopting us as your children, making us share in an inheritance we do not deserve. Thank you that we can be heirs of Abraham through faith, certain of the fact that we belong to your family, and can enjoy your favour. We know, Lord, that we enjoy these wonderful privileges only because of Jesus Christ. Thank you that he came to free us from the condemnation of the law, becoming a curse in our place.
Please help us to live in the light of Jesus’ work. Keep our hearts from returning to the law as a means of securing salvation. Help us to trust your Spirit to work in us to change us and to cause us to grow in godly living. To that end, may we prioritize the means of grace. Lord, would you use those means—the ministry of your Word and sacraments—to nourish and strengthen our faith.
We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law?