1. 1 Samuel 25:1–44 (ESV)
  2. Application

The Spirit shapes us with God's truth

1 Samuel 25:1–44 (ESV)

1 Now Samuel died. And all Israel assembled and mourned for him, and they buried him in his house at Ramah.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we trust that his Spirit is also at work within us. Working to change and shape our desires. Working to help us fight against sin. And like with David, we know that he does that work through his Word. He uses God’s truth to shape us. Truth that comes to us in our morning devotions. Truth that comes from the lips of a friend or family. Truth that is proclaimed in the worship service. How often has the truth of God not come to you from an unexpected place to calm your heart, bring you to your senses and stop you from sin? I imagine that is an experience which many of us can relate to, certainly if we’ve been a Christian for some time.