1 Samuel 28:1–25 (ESV)

1 In those days the Philistines gathered their forces for war, to fight against Israel. And Achish said to David, “Understand that you and your men are to go out with me in the army.”


1 Samuel 28:3—25 is both tragic and mysterious. Saul’s tenure as king ends in complete failure. He does not accomplish the purpose for which he was anointed.1 Indeed, the very presence of the Philistines is evidence that Saul has not done his work as the anointed king of Israel (cf. 1 Samuel 9:16).2 Turning from legitimate sources of communication in an attempt to manipulate God,3 Saul’s journey to and inquiry with the medium of Endor is his final departure from faith in the LORD.4

 The events described in 1 Samuel 28:3—25 are out of sync with the chronology of the book. The correct chronology would be 1 Samuel 27:1—28:2, 1 Samuel 29—30 and only then 1 Samuel 28:3—25.5 David must have gathered with the Philistines at Aphek on the Plain of Sharon (1 Samuel 29) before they assembled at Shunem (1 Samuel 28:4).6 Several reasons have been proposed for the interruption, with the most likely explanation being that it has been done for the purpose of comparing David and Saul.7 .Separated geographically, they also have contrasting destinies.8