1. Luke 2:21–39 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Luke 2:21-39

Luke 2:21–39 (ESV)

21 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

I           Introduction

Talk about some of the things we typically have to wait for in our day and age. Show how it can be frustrating; then show the joy that comes when it finally arrives. Mention that the people of Israel had been waiting for a Messiah for a long time. It was a promise made first to Adam after the Fall (Genesis 3:15), repeated to Abraham, Moses and elsewhere—God’s people were looking forward to the day when the Crusher would come to bruise the head of the Serpent and restore the relationship with God.

With the birth of Jesus Christ, this person has come. The time of salvation has drawn near.

II          Confirmations that Jesus is the Messiah

A          Explain: Why do we have so much detail about Simeon and Anna?

B          Explain: Can we trust what Simeon and Anna say about Jesus?

C          Explain: Why are we told about the obedience of Jesus’ parents?

D          Explain: Why does Scripture normally focus on the obedience of Jesus? What does the obedience of his parents testify concerning his upbringing? How will this further qualify him to serve as God’s Messiah?

E          Explain: What does the song of Simeon teach us about who Jesus is? Which prophet does Simeon quote from?

F          Explain: What did Isaiah say about the work of the Servant? Did he speak of suffering before glory? What did most people focus on and hope for?

III         Present hardship and future blessing

A          Explain: What is the sword that will pierce Mary’s soul? Does this refer to the cross of Jesus or a general life of suffering and emotional pain?

B          Explain: How does Mary serve as a model for application?

C          Apply: Persecution will come to those who follow Jesus. The King was opposed, his people will also be opposed.

D          Apply: Hardship will be part and parcel of life in this world until Jesus’ return. Jesus was not born into a rich family; he had an ordinary life. His people have not been promised anything different.

E          Apply: What are some of the wrong expectations that people have regarding the life of faith? Have you been promised lots of earthly riches and blessings if you believe? Were you disappointed when you discovered that such promises were a lie?

IV        Concluding prayer

Heavenly Father,

We thank you that the long-promised King has come, that our Lord Jesus came to obey your law in our place and die the death that we deserve for our sins. Thank you that we can trust you to be faithful to your promises, so that we can be confident that Christ will return again in glory, confident that there is a second coming and that our hope is not in vain.

While we wait for the return of our Saviour, help us not to become disillusioned by the hardships and troubles that you bring on our path. May we know and believe that you are using and working all things for our good. May we remain faithful to your Word even when it costs us. This is not work that we can do in our own power and strength Lord, and so we ask that your Spirit will be with us to make us strong, to fix our eyes on Jesus and remind us of your precious promises. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.