Jesus is journeying toward Jerusalem. Luke the evangelist explains this in a remarkable manner.
When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.
(Luke 9:51). His road to heaven must go via Jerusalem. He chose this on purpose. And on the way many things happen. He teaches everywhere (Luke 13:22). People listen to him, but from the side of the religious leaders there surely is opposition. Luke 16:14 chronicles that The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him.
This mockery will certainly also have touched Jesus’ disciples. They were looked at with pity.
Who follows such a teacher?
That is why Jesus addresses the disciples separately and tells them not to be surprised that they are ridiculed. It is inevitable that they will experience this. They will find skandalon, stumbling blocks on their paths. The message from Jesus, which they may pass on, arouses resistance.
The knowledge that man needs redemption and is unable to redeem himself does not sit well with many people. In the background, the devil is looking on, not wanting that God’s plan of redemption finds inroads with the people. It makes for arguments in word and deed. Take that into account,
says Jesus specifically to his disciples of all times.
He adds to this, Woe to the one through whom they come!
That is a solid warning for those who make believers stumble. Let them realize that they must pay a high price for this.
1 And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sinare sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come!