1. Luke 17:37 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Luke 17:37 (Summary)

Luke 17:37 (ESV)

37 And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the corpseis, there the vultureswill gather.”

Jesus twice used the words left behind in Luke 17:34 and Luke 17:35, and this has stuck in the disciples’ minds. That is understandable, for this is about people who, when the Son of Man comes, are not allowed to come with him. Those people miss the lifeboat, as many did in the time of Noah, and the people such as the inhabitants of Sodom who perished in the time of Lot. Those terrible things will happen again when Jesus returns. This touches the disciples. And this is what causes their urgent question, Where, Lord?

Jesus answers with a mystery word: Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

And so, Jesus challenges them to think this over very carefully. Think of vultures, high in the air, looking for food. They are looking for bait in which life is almost or completely gone. That is what is easiest for them to eat. In large numbers they swoop down upon their prey. Then the prey cannot escape from them anymore.

The shocking part is that this is not about animals here, but about people. The people (who did not listen) are hopelessly lost when the Son of Man returns. Hiding at that moment is not possible anymore. Everywhere, the people will see him.

The apostle John, imprisoned on the Patmos Island, was instructed to write it down: Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. (Revelation 1:7a). Just as the vultures effortlessly find their prey, so surely the judgment of Jesus will come down upon those who in their life on earth did not entrust themselves to the Son of Man.

So, this is a serious message from Jesus! It may be too late, once and for all, for people.

This mystery message Jesus told once more in the days before he went up to Golgotha, in Matthew 24:28, and shortly after this (in Matthew 25:1–46) Jesus told the parable of the ten virgins. They had taken their lamps and were eager to meet the groom. But five of them had not taken their flasks of (extra) oil, and they could not enter the banquet hall, despite their late calls, Lord, Lord, open to us (Matthew 25:11). The answer they received (in Matthew 25:12) was, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.

Jesus added to this in Matthew 25:13, Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.

Just as vultures find their prey effortlessly, so sure are we to be of the coming of the Son of Man. Prepare yourself for that moment.

Only those who believe, and look forward longingly to the coming of Jesus, will not lose their lives on the great day of his glory and judgment.