1. Joshua 11:1–15 (ESV)
  2. Application

Joshua 11:1–15 and the Trinity

Joshua 11:1–15 (ESV)

1 When Jabin, king of Hazor, heard of this, he sent to Jobab king of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the king of Achshaph,

What does Joshua 11 reveal about what God the Son has done in my place and on my behalf?

The victory over sin and death is a victory that Jesus Christ has won through his death and resurrection. He has paid the penalty for my sins (1 Peter 1:18–19; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:2) and freed me from all the power of the devil (John 8:34–36; Hebrews 2:14–15; 1 John 3:8).