1. Revelation 16:17 (ESV)
  2. Application

Christ the King’s victory

Revelation 16:17 (ESV)

17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!”

The kingdom of man go down with their ship in pride and hardness. God would have man show that end of his depraved, rebellious heart, and God would show Himself sovereign over all on behalf of His church and the glory of His own name. That is His purpose with the anti-Christian kingdom. Once that purpose is accomplished, there is a voice from heaven that cries out:

And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. Revelation 16:17, KJV

This is the voice of the King of kings and of the Lord of lords! It is Christ Himself who comes from the temple of heaven, from the throne. The Lord Christ cries out, It is done! It is finished! The purpose of the history of this world has come to completion. All of the elect have been gathered. Man has showed himself fully what he is in his depraved nature. God has showed Himself as King of the universe. What was finished already in principle upon the cross is realized now in the history of the world. On the cross, beloved, this same Christ had cried the same cry: It is finished! His elect had been redeemed on that cross! Satan had been defeated upon that cross. Man had showed his depraved heart in nailing the Son of God Himself to a tree, but the rest of history now plays out what had been finished there upon that cross in principle. And now what was accomplished there at the end in the battle of Armageddon has been fully realized in the history of this earth. So again the Christ cries out, It is done! It is finished! All that I had accomplished upon my cross has now been worked out to its end. The purpose of human history has been reached. And now the saints enter their heavenly rest forever.1

Cory Griess