1. Ephesians 4:28 (ESV)
  2. Illustrations

Illustration of lawfulness of vocation

Ephesians 4:28 (ESV)

28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

In the providence of God, I received an email from my son on the morning of writing this article. Some eight years ago, he was transitioning from the military to civilian life, interviewing with various companies. In that connection, I quote his email: A Christian should be able to have the conviction that his work goes to providing a good and reputable service or product. I would find it highly discouraging to be working towards providing a service or product that I personally felt was not worthy of the purchase. For example, in my job search, one of the more appealing potential employers from a standpoint of financial gain and the appearances of that employer aggressively desiring me to take the job, was a large financial institution. The part of the business that they seemed to be recruiting my son for, had to do with sub‑prime mortgages at high interest to those whose credit was not worthy. In that case the product being provided would have been something I would have struggled to give myself to. In the end I took a job that provides a very necessary, very needful product, housing, and I feel that I can do much to provide better housing service and appeal, to those who live in the residences. He goes on to describe what his commercial real estate company based in Louisville, Kentucky, provides. “Also, our product is a market rate product that is not subsidized at the lower end or at a higher end. We rent to the average citizen who works and lives in our markets and I enjoy that about our product.”1

George McDearmon