The second related principle to this matter of our endowments is the principle that is revealed in Psalm 131:1:
George McDearmonO, Lord, my heart is not proud; nor my eyes haughty. Nor do I involve myself in great matters or in things too difficult for me.To say it in another way: with regard to pursuing a vocation, with regard to assessing one’s aptitudes and God‑given endowments, you must beware of getting in over your head. Getting in over your head, because there is a mismatch, a disconnect between what is demanded and what endowments you have. Involving yourself in vocations which call for gifts and proficiencies that you do not have, or do not have to a sufficient degree.1
1 O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.