The first thing we then need to do, is we need to define what worldliness is. What did John mean here, in 1 John 2:1–29 by
the world? He makes use of the Greek word cosmos, or world, of course, has several meanings. As you probably know in the New Testament, sometimes it can refer to the physical world and many other things. But here, John particular means that kingdom in this world of which its inhabitants are lost in sin and wholly at odds with anything pleasing to God. He is talking in other words about Satan’s kingdom of darkness. And all those people who are happy to be under the rule of Satan, and to live according to the standards of this world. So, worldliness is the sin of living in a realm that is in opposition to Christ and his Church and not rebelling against that realm.The goal of worldly people is to move forward rather than upward, to live only horizontally rather than primarily vertically. Worldly people seek after outward prosperity rather than holiness. They burst with selfish desires rather than heartfelt supplications. Worldliness is selfishness. If you travel as much as I do on a plane, you get to hear a lot of people talk. They are not talking to you. You put your head back in a plane seat, and you hear the people behind you, and the people around you. And what is amazing to me, as when you overhear conversations is the word
I,me,my,I think,I feeland so on. Those expressions just permeate the conversations of the world today. Very few people are sayingGod thinks,God feels,God saysetc.We live in a world that is incredibly selfish. And we are all prone to fall into this trap. It is easy to talk about God when you are in the front of the pulpit, so to speak, when you are preaching the Bible. It is another thing to be God-centred in private conversation. God-centred in your own home. So, all this is a problem we all have. We are all prone to practical atheism. Because ultimately, what is worldliness? Worldliness is human nature without God. Someone, a Puritan, I think Thomas Adams, said the world’s trinity is pleasure, profit and position. And what is that, but self-seeking? And self indulgence? And you see by nature we belong to this evil world. This is our natural habitat.1
Joel Beeke
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.