Live for eternity. My father used to always pray at the table, and I must have heard it 1,000 times:
Lord help us to live in such a way, that our lives are nothing but a preparation to meet Thee, our Maker and our Creator in peace and righteousness on the last day.The Puritans used to say,Keep one eye on eternity always, and keep the other eye on time. Live fully in time, for the glory of God. But even that eye on time, should be lived out in terms of eternity.This life is a drop in a bucket, my dear friend. Of a thousand-page book, you have the one-page preface. This life is less than the one-page preface. Eternity is coming. And how we live this one-page, determines where we will spend a never-ending eternity. Think about eternity. This life at best is but a ten-day trial.… This world will one day be burned up together with all those who lust after it. And what is left when all the lusts for which the people sell their souls and ruining their families and stain their reputations, have passed away? Nothing but dust and ashes and the wrath of God. Spurgeon put it so graphically. He said if you have gotten all the world, you would have nothing left at the end, and after your coffin-lid was screwed down, the grave dust in your mouth. You see, the world tells you that this world is the only thing that is important. But faith tells you that this world is a gigantic mirage, a tragic fraud, a hollow bubble, that eternity is what you have to live for.1
Joel Beeke
17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.