1. Acts 6:5–7 (ESV)
  2. Application

Results of diaconal work

Acts 6:5–7 (ESV)

5 And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch.

The diaconate is not devalued here as mere table waiters. They are actually elevated to the point where deacons and elders together make a complete ministry that reflects the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Unity in the Church: The result is not only that many believed, but look at the first result: It pleased the whole gathering. These are widows that have cultural differences that are fighting over bread. And the apostles say, Let's do this, and it pleases those that are in conflict. That in itself is worth meditating on! You don't often have that result in the life of the church where there are groups that are in conflict, especially over things such as culture or custom. Those are the hardest things to get over. And these widows come together and they are pleased. They are unified. Having the deacons doing the work of the diaconate and having the elders doing the work of the elders unifies the church of Jesus Christ. The election of deacons was something that unified the body. They were pleased with what the apostles decided. The Word of God was made central. The people were served the Word of God in its rightful place. And they were also ministered to in these aspects of mercy in its rightful place as well. It is fascinating to me the way that a good diaconate has the ability to bring unity in the life of the church.

The Word of God increased in their midst: The second result was that it increased the Word of God. The Word of God increased in their midst. That means that the effects and the value of and the greatness of God's Word increased in the lives of the people of God. The Scriptures became more meaningful to them and more valuable to them. And they relied on the Scriptures more. They valued the Word preached, the Word taught and its effects on their lives.

Imagine that you attended church just to be fed a good meal. That is a bad reason to go to church – just to get a good meal. But what if you attended church for a good meal and then you were converted at that church? The ministry of the Word would begin to have value to you, wouldn't it? And you could describe that as the Word increasing. The Bible is not getting bigger; that is not what it means. It means that the value of the Scriptures to them increased. So putting things in its proper order – the ministry of the Word central, and mercy, outreach, hospitality, property and all of these other things in their proper place – elevated God's Word in the minds and hearts of the believers.

Conversion: Then the text says that the number of disciples multiplied. There were conversions happening, because the church was being ordered in a biblical way. And it also says that unbelieving priests were converted to the gospel. That means that when Word and deed ministry is put in its proper context, you have this occurring, where there is something of reformation and revival that does happen. And if you look at the history of the church and if you study mercy ministry throughout church history, high points of church history are not just high points where the Bible is preached and the Bible is loved, but the Word and deed ministry always go hand in hand in great revivals and reformations in the history of the church. It is a great study to put before you. Whether it is the time of the Reformation, or the early church, or times of revival in the medieval period, or if it is Puritan New England, any of those great high points in church history are high points not only of Word ministry, but deed ministry is elevated right next to it. Word and deed constantly going together, reformation and revival resulting as Word and deed ministry are placed together.1

Nathan Eshelman