As we look at this section of 1 Peter 1:1–5:14, we see that Peter tells us that there is a gifting that is general among all believers. We have all been given gifts by God. And we have been given gifts for the purpose of service to the body.
So he says that in the general sense of the church we all have a gift. We all have gifts with which we are to serve one another. And part of our service he lists there. He says that we love one another, and we show hospitality to one another, and we seek to love in this earnest way, because
love covers a multitude of sins.Serve one anotherwith yourvaried grace. But then notice what the apostle does. He has spoken in a general way, and now he is going to go more specific. He is going to say,Those that rule (or teach), do it in this specific way.…Peter says we all have gifts. We all have
Nathan Eshelmanunto one anotherduties. If you just do a search on that phraseunto one another, you will find all of these New Testament ways that we are supposed to love and serve one another. And then Peter transitions at the semi-colon and he says,Just for a moment, let me speak to the pastors let me speak to the deacons.That is what he does here. He says that there is a gift that is to be used for service.1
7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.