Why does God say,
I want a preacher to preach; I want ruling elders to rule; I want deacons to serve; I want all the congregation doing all of these things together as they are following the leadership of those that would do it.Why does He do that? The answer is in 1 Peter 4:11:In order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.As I pastor, it is not to build [my] church. As our elders serve the congregation, it is not so that they can serve the congregation that theyrun. And as deacons serve, it is not so that they can serve in the church that istheirchurch. It is to the glory of God. It is so that Jesus Christ may be lifted up. It is so that when visitors walk through that door and see the work that God is doing in our midst, they say,These people have been with Jesus. Congregation, that is our purpose in all of this. It is so that God is lifted up. It is so that Christ receives the glory.Deacons, glorify God through Christ in your service. As you collect funds for our budget needs and for the mercy of the church, may the glory of God be primary in your thinking. As you meet with the widows and widowers and serve them, do it to the glory of God, so that Christ may be lifted up as widows and widowers are encouraged by love from the church. And as you do good unto all men, and especially those of the household of faith, do it so that we may gather together and bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. And as you love strangers and as you paint and as you provide food for the hungry and as you scrub toilets, do it to the glory and honour of God.1
Nathan Eshelman
11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.